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On this page I will have some of my poems.
At the moment there is the only one I have to put on my site.

Liquid Star Kitty
Liquid Star Kitty,
What an awesome creature,
Bright as a star,
Yet as transparent as glass,
Watching her pounce,
I am splashed,
Hearing her meow,
I am calmed,
Smelling her is like smelling water,
Nothing extraordinary,
How is it she can live
Being made of liquid?
Maybe it's a dream.

by: Sam Laskowski

  Lonely and Lied To
I've lost my faith,
No longer believe in a god, no one's my lord.
I've lost my love,
Despair is only a seven-letter word.
I've lost my hope,
Killed my kitty, hit it then floored.
I wonder if you care,
About to kill, begins to live by the sword.
You've lost my trust,
Lonely and Lied to, not believing a word.
-dave [ This poem isn't directed towards you or anybody in the school :\ I trust you..]