About Me
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All about me!!
Lets see what can I say about myself, I live in the middle of nowhere, attend Lake Lehman High School aka HELL!! Um the only thing that keeps me sane is knowing that I have a wonderful boyfriend and that he loves me and also my friends thanx for being there for me. Okay lets see what else can I tell you about myself:
Name: Lil' Devil aka Sam
Height: 5' 9 1/2 (w/ my boots) 5' 6 1/2 (without)
Birthday: April 21, 1986
Marital Status: going out with Spazz (i luv you)

The picture to the right is of my pet rat Gonk. He is a one-eyed rat of course his good eye is showing in that picture.

I built this site on January 11, 2002.
The only reason I had time to create this site was because my mother will only allow me to go skating every other friday. Thats okay its fun when I do go.

What do I do??
Let's see my life consists of bowling, skating, painting, my boyfriend Spazz and my friends.

Email Me!

"It can't rain all the time." Brandon Lee "The Crow"